di Gianni Lannes

Venezia: irrorazione bellica di scie chimiche

“14 febbraio 2013 — Il MUOS è il programma di comunicazione satellitare a banda stretta di nuova generazione del Dipartimento della Difesa creato per sostenere le operazioni militari USA e NATO in tutto il mondo”. 

E’ quanto si legge testualmente sul sito online dell’ambasciata USA in Italia. Infatti, come avevo già documentato qualche anno fa – nel libro IL GRANDE FRATELLO. STRATEGIE DEL DOMINIO – il MUOS costruito illegalmente in Sicilia, in barba alla protezione della salute e alla difesa dell’ambiente, è uno strumento di guerra che viola l’articolo 11 della Costituzione repubblicana italiana. Inoltre, il conseguente inquinamento elettromagnetico danneggia la salute del popolo siciliano.

Sigonella: Sicilia

Dopo l’analisi e l’informazione occorre l’azione concreta. Mi auguro che cittadine e cittadini italiani si risveglino quanto prima dal nebuloso sonno della ragione. L’Italia ha bisogno di libertà, indipendenza, sovranità, giustizia sociale, salute e speranza.

Scie chimiche: Italia

LETTERA APERTA all’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d’America, John R. Phillips

Ambasciatore Phillips, poiché i governanti italiani si dimostrano succubi del suo governo stanziato a Washington, e se ne infischiano dell’avvelenamento arrecato al territorio e dei danni alla salute provocati dall’irrorazione bellica che perdura sui centri abitati italiani da qualche decennio, disdegnando di fornire chiarimenti al popolo “sovrano” rifiutandosi di rispondere agli atti parlamentari (interpellanze e interrogazioni), la invito ad informare il suo Dipartimento di Stato e il presidente Obama, invitandoli a sospendere immediatamente le operazioni di cosiddetta “ingegneria ambientale” realizzata segretamente nel mio Paese. Sono disponibile ad un confronto pubblico con Lei sul tema.
Dear Mr. Phillips,

I have been following alternate sites, gathering information on chemtrails and other various experiments conducted in the atmosphere. As I am sure you are aware thousands of people have been reporting on chemtrail activity worldwide for a number of years now. The internet is loaded with videos and photos depicting this activity with many theories surrounding this topic. Some theories pretty far out there. This subject sparked my interest several years ago. Being a retired police investigator in combination with a part time videography and photography business I began taking video and photos of chemtrail activity over the Puglia. In the past two years I have compiled thousand of photos and hundred of hours of color, infrared and full spectrum footage of these events. Utilizing a 1400 mm lens I have been able to capture spraying jets activate and deactivate the spraying apparatus with different length trails targeting various unusual cloud formations. Along with chemtrails I have captured other strange experiments of what appears to be man made cloud formations that are somehow anchored in the sky unaffected by high winds. These various cloud formations are continually sprayed by jets targeting the upwind portion of the cloud. As the cloud remains stationary the rear portion of the cloud emits cloud material that is carried away by the wind. Like the exhaust of an internal combustion engine (Tail Pipe). On one occasion videoing one very large cloud, I observed on radar this cloud material being carried away into Italy. Other strange triangular craft have been captured worldwide releasing cloud material and interacting with chemtrail spray. I have also captured these craft as well. I do not believe in UFO’s or ET’s from another planet but these craft are strange. I have captured all these events by simply pointing my cameras to the sky from my ranch in the Puglia. One small area of sky. As stated these events are being captured worldwide. Over the past two years I have supplied all my footage and photos to chemtrail activists, talk radio personalities and research groups in a hope to find answers to these ongoing geo engineering / chemtrail / cloud operations. Most researchers, activists, and alternate news reporters believe all this activity to be a clandestine operation with serious health issues resulting from this activity. I believe there is a logical scientific explanation of these events and have received help from constituents in finding answers. These events go way beyond simple contrails. I am contacting NASA in hope that their open door policy of transparency to the public will shed some light and information to this activity. If possible please forward information on these activities and I will forward that information to my constituents in the hope of bringing a logical explanation to these activities. Thank you for your time.



Gianni Lannes

